9,448 research outputs found


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    This paper is devoted to the study of claims problems. We identify the family of rules that satisfy strong composition down (robustness with respect to reevaluations of the estate) and consistency (robustness with respect to changes in the set of agents) together. We call to that family the backbone family, which is a generalization of the weighted constrained equal awards rules. In addition, once strong composition down is combined with homogeneity only the weighted constrained equal awards rules survive. We also prove that the constrained equal awards rule is the unique rules satisfying strong composition down and equal treatment of equals together.strong composition down, backbone rules, constrained equal awards rule, weighted constrained equal awards rules

    Drastic disorded-induced reduction of signal amplification in scale-free networks

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    Understanding information transmission across a network is a fundamental task for controlling and manipulating both biological and man-made information processing systems. Here, we show how topological resonant-like amplification effects in scale-free networks of signaling devices are drastically reduced when phase disorder in the external signals is considered. This is demonstrated theoretically by means of a star-like network of overdamped bistable systems, and confirmed numerically by simulations of scale-free networks of such systems. The taming effect of the phase disorder is found to be sensitive to the amplification's strength, while the topology-induced amplification mechanism is robust against this kind of quenched disorder in the sense that it does not significantly change the values of the coupling strength where amplification is maximum in its absence.Comment: 5 pages, 4 (double) figure

    Fundamentos teóricos de la intervención deportiva a jóvenes antisociales

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    Este texto realiza un encuadramiento teórico y metodológico de la intervención técnica, educativa, terapéutica, socializadora, de jóvenes en situación de riesgo de exclusión social, con comportamientos sociales inadecuados, especialmente adolescentes, que han abandonado prematuramente el sistema regular de enseñanza y se han dedicado a prácticas antisociales y, a veces, incluso delictivas.. La problemática de la integración social de jóvenes marginados de las periferias de las conurbaciones urbanas, es una cuestión social que ha adquirido una importancia creciente en las últimas décadas en las metrópolis europeas, convirtiéndose en un reto para las instituciones públicas. Estas, se esfuerzan por modernizar sus estrategias de intervención e implicar activamente a las diversas instancias de socialización: familia y escuela, pero se encuentran con la necesidad de reinventarlas, dada la crisis tan acentuada que las mismas están viviendo. Mis conclusiones y mi investigación rompen con los enfoques de la sociología del delito y de la integración social que ha dominado la actuación de las instituciones públicas y que o bien consideraban de ineficaz cualquier intento de socialización posterior a la adolescencia (dando al individuo por irrecuperable – Sigmund FREUD) o bien consideraban necesario superar las diferencias de clase social como paso previo y necesario para la desaparición de la exclusión social (la revolución social como paso previo - Karl MARX). De manera que los esfuerzos públicos se han centrado en las instituciones de reclusión así como en la redistribución de rentas y la equiparación del acceso a los servicios públicos. Los modelos tradicionales de reclusión y castigo van quedando desfasados por su ineficacia, abriendo una brecha en el soporte teórico en el que se sustentaban, mientras, nuevos modelos de intervención como el deporte de riesgo se construyen sobre experiencias innovadoras que destacan por sus logros, pero que carecen de la sistematización necesaria para su difusión así como del anclaje en un soporte teórico ensamblado. Los avances teóricos más innovadores, como los que aquí se referencian, alimentan experiencias de éxito que se llevan a cabo en distintos países.This text analyses a methodological and theoretical frame of the technical, educational, therapeutic and socializing intervention with youngsters in risk and social exclusion situation with non-adecquate social behaviours. It specially refers to teenagers that have abandoned early the regular education system and have oriented themselves to antisocial and sometimes even delinquent practices. The problem of suburban conurbations marginal youngsters social integration is a social issue that has acquired increasing importance in the last decades in the European metropolis; becoming a challenge for public institutions. Those make efforts to modernize their intervention strategies and actively involve the different socialization institutions: family and school, but they face the need to reinvent them given the sharp crisis they are passing through. My conclusions and my research break through the criminal sociology and social integration classical approaches that have dominated public institutions policy. They considered either useless the effort to socialize after the adolescence (Sigmund Freud considered not possible to recover post adolescents) or they considered necessary to overcome the social class differences as a previous and compulsory step for social exclusion disappearance (Karl Marx’ social revolution as previous step). In a way that public efforts have focused in the confinement institutions as well as in the income redistribution and the equal access to public services. The traditional reclusion and punishment models are becoming outdated because their inefficiency. This opens way for new intervention models as the risk sport that build above innovative experiences that outstand because of their achievements. But they lack a necessary systematization for their diffusion as well as the anchor of a knitted theoretical support. Here are presented most innovative theoretical contributions that feed successful on going experiences in different countries


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    We consider allocation problems with indivisible goods when agents’ preferences are single-peaked. Two natural procedures (up methods and temporary satisfaction methods) are proposed to solve these problems. They are constructed by using priority methods on the cartesian product of agents and integer numbers, interpreted either as peaks or opposite peaks. Thus, two families of solutions arise this way. Our two families of solutions satisfy properties very much related to some well-known properties studied in the case of perfectly divisible goods, and they have a strong relationship with the continuous uniform and equal-distance rules, respectively.Allocation problem, indivisibilities, single-peaked preferences, temporary satisfaction method, up method.


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    In this work we deal with rationing problems. In particular with claims problems with indivisible goods, that is, problems in which a certain amount of indivisible units (of an homogeneous good), has to be distributed among a group of agents, when this amount is not enough to satisfy agents' demands. We define discrete rules to solve those problems that involve notions of fairness similar to those supporting the constrained-equal awards and the constrained-equal losses rules in the continuous case. Axiomatic characterizations of those solutions are provided.indivisible goods, claims problems, equal awards solution, equal losses solution.


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    In this paper, we vindicate the relevance of the notion of success or satisfaction for the normative assessment of voting rules. We provide arguments in support of this view and emphasize the conceptual and analytical differences between this notion and that of decisiveness. The conclusions are illustrated in the case study provided by three different voting rules that have been proposed for the Council of Ministers of the European Union.Voting, European Union, Power indices


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    In this paper we measure the effect of the quota on the difficulty of making decisions in the EU-25 Council after the next enlargement. We compute the probability of a proposal being rejected in the Council. This probability depends on the voting rule (and therefore on the quota) and on the probabilities of the different vote configurations. Here we do not consider that all vote configurations are equiprobable, the classical implicit or explicit assumption. We assume that vote configurations with a minority of members states in favour of the proposal have a null probability, with other vote configurations being equiprobable.European Council, Decision making, Voting rules, European enlargement.